Zig Ziegler once said, “Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.” Just like learning to read or learning to play a sport, the understanding of any new skill or concept requires a ton of practice…and then more practice…and then even […]
By Aubrey Schultz, Treasure Valley Children’s Theater Theater has been the source of my most profound life lessons. I can pinpoint certain cherished skills, values, and perspectives that stem from my theatrical background. While many of these moments happened on stage, during a rehearsal, or in a classroom, some of […]
by Michèle Carter Cram There’s no doubt about it: the world we live in is a digital one. The fact that you’re reading this on- what, your iPhone? or perhaps your laptop computer?- is a brilliant marker of how far we as a society and a global community have come […]
I want to talk about actor training from a mind, body, spirit (M/B/S) perspective and explain why Actors – and all artists – should incorporate M/B/S training in to their ritual artistic development. This post isn’t coincidental. It’s part of a new campaign that invites all performers to engage with […]
If I were to introduce myself at a grantwriter’s anonymous meeting (just go with me on this one), it would go something like this: Hi, everybody. My name’s Michèle. (Hi, Michèle, everyone would say.) And I like writing 50-100 words on the impact of our organization on the surrounding local […]