You’ve spent months working on the show. You’ve worked harder than you ever thought you could. You’ve taken risks; stepped out of your comfort zone. You’ve learned a lot about performing, team work, leadership and life. You’ve made incredible friends that really understand you. You’ve created memories that you will carry […]
REALITY CHECK: Disappointment is part of an Actors life. In fact, it’s part of REAL life. As theater directors, educators and mentors we manage disappointment often. No one likes telling a 6 year old that they don’t get to be Peter Pan. But the fact is, only one (okay, sometimes […]
This is an update of a post I wrote in 2014…. So, your young actor has auditioned for a play. They have their heart set on being cast as X part. It’s all they talk about, sing about, dream about… But when the cast list comes out and their name isn’t on it […]
To say the TVCT education team is excited for summer is an understatement! This summer, our incredible team includes professional actors and teaching artists assisted by some of our most gifted advanced acting students. And this summer we’re unified with one common goal – to change the world one theater […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about outcomes. Our teaching team at TVCT is committed to improvement in all of our processes. We’ve been discussing our values, role as arts educators, and how we evaluate student success. These conversations have raised a few questions… In the summer of 2012 I conducted an informal survey of […]
This post is dedicated to the incredible teaching team at Treasure Valley Children’s Theater. Remember when you learned 2 + 2 = 4? I do. I remember how many worksheets my teacher made me complete with some “2 + 2 = 4” challenge. Adding apples… adding friends… adding friends and […]