Audition rejection is hard on Theater Kids and their grownups but also create a great opportunity to practice healthy emotional response and how we navigate disappointment - a life skill we all need!
Zig Ziegler once said, “Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.” Just like learning to read or learning to play a sport, the understanding of any new skill or concept requires a ton of practice…and then more practice…and then even […]
By Aubrey Schultz, Treasure Valley Children’s Theater Theater has been the source of my most profound life lessons. I can pinpoint certain cherished skills, values, and perspectives that stem from my theatrical background. While many of these moments happened on stage, during a rehearsal, or in a classroom, some of […]
How do you tell a child-actor they have no talent? Easy. You don’t. Because you would be WRONG. I know, I know…. not everyone can be an actor. This is true. Acting is a very real, developed, and life-long trained skill. Some of the most celebrated actors continue to train […]
Today I want to talk about the real-world skills your child (and possibly you) are gaining from participating in a Performing Arts program.
In today's post I want to share a bit about the process of preparing a show, including why parent's are discouraged from attending, why we take commitment so seriously, and what it means to the show when you "no show."